Sunday, January 25, 2009

Questions Relating to Boiler Operation. A good test for boiler operators

Give a short description on how to prepare a fire.
When starting your boiler where should your dampers be?
Having lit the fires, give a short summary of how to get your fires to burn properly.
What is the function of the Mobrey`s.(a) Describe what the single Mobrey does and (b) describe what the dual Mobrey does, (c) How often should the Mobrey`s be tested and why?
Describe how to blow down the gauge glasses, and explain why the gauge glasses must be blown down and how often.
Explain how to test the safety valves and explain why they should be tested and how often.
When steaming how often must the boiler be blown down and why?
In case of a power failure what steps should be taken and in which order?
In the following emergencies, describe what should be done?
(a) Low water
(b) High water
(c) Live coals falling off rear of stoker
(d) Safety valves lifting
(e) Pump tripping out
(f) Stoker jamming
(g) I D fan tripping
(h) Alarm sounding.
When raising steam from cold how long must be taken and what procedures should be followed?
When putting the boiler on range describe what must be done and why?
Why should the Main steam stop valve/Crown valve not be opened too quickly, and what can happen if it is opened too fast?
When steam demand decreases how do you control your boiler?
When the demand increases what must be done to maintain pressure?
Who is allowed to make adjustments to the boiler?
How often should the boiler be de-ashed?
How often should your fires be checked?
How do you bank a fire?
How do you un-bank a fire?
Why is it important to maintain a ballanced draft?
Where can you check to see if your fires are burning properly?
By looking at your fires how can you tell if they are burning properly?
What is a short fire and what is a long fire?
Whatdistance from the end of the grate should your fires be dead?
What is a balanced draft?
How many turns of the stoker indicator disc does it take to advance the stoker one link?
Where is the air release valve?
At what pressure should the air release valve be closed when raising steam?
When raising steam why should the air release valve be open?
What is the maximum pressure at which the boiler may be operated?


  1. Can we have some Answers please. some of these questions came out in the November 2011 GCC plant exam. Namely the ones on Mobrey valves.your assistance would be appreciated

  2. Please guys we need answers to this questions from Samson
