· Every half hour check boiler feed pumps and take pressure and temperature readings.
· Every five to ten minutes check the ash in the boiler and clean out if necessary ( Do not allow
ash to build up in the boiler as it will cause problems.)
· Ash must be placed in the ash yard after removal from the boiler and wetted down.
· The ash must be piled up into a heap and not be allowed to spread beyond the ash yard.
· The ash must be kept wet in the ash yard.
· Every five to ten minutes check the stoker speed and adjust if necessary.
· Every five to ten minutes check that the stokers are running smoothly and not jamming.
· Every hour sweep the boiler house floor and remove any loose items from the floor.
· The boiler must under no circumstances be left unattended.
· Every shift must make sure that the build up of ash and coal dust on the boiler is removed on a
regular basis.
· Every shift must make sure that the boiler panel is kept clean and tidy. ( No ash or coal dust must accumulate on the boiler panel.)
· The top of the boiler panel must be kept clean and tidy, free of any foreign objects.
· A regular check must be kept on the coal to make sure that there are no pieces of steel,pieces
of brick or stones in the coal,and removed from the coal if found
· The area around the boiler house must be kept clean and tidy, all rubbish to be removed.
· The coal yard must be kept clean and tidy. All rubbish to be removed.
· The coal must be kept wet, every hour water must be sprayed on the coal.
· No unauthorized person is allowed in the boiler house.
· No person is allowed to use the boiler house as a short cut.
· Any unauthorized person found in the boiler house will be disciplined.
· No unauthorized person to handle or make any adjustments on the boiler.
· Hot water will not be provided to any person under any circumstances.
· Before shift change, wash the boiler house floor with water and remove excess water.
· Before shift change, Make sure the boiler house is clean and tidy ready for the next shift.
· When removing ash from the boiler, the boiler will smoke from the front, this is
because the draft has been disturbed. Do not adjust the F D dampers until the
boiler has settled down again.
· Every five minutes check that your fires are still under the arch, especially after removing ash
from the boiler.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
How to advance a fire using the Crank handle.
Truimph chaingrate stoker.
Should it be necessary to turn the stokers using the crank handle proceed as follows:-
Remove the shear pin from the stoker drive and fit the crank handle to the squared end on the stoker drive.
Proceed to turn the crank handle until the fire has moved away from the guillotine door.
Every five to ten minutes check that the fire has not burned back under the guillotine door; if the fire has burned back proceed to advance the fire away from the door.
Should the situation require that the stoker is idle for a long period it is advisable to either bank the boiler or to push the fires off the end of the grate/s using a long rake
Remember seven (7 ) complete turns of the crank handle advances the grate by one stoker link.
Truimph chaingrate stoker.
Should it be necessary to turn the stokers using the crank handle proceed as follows:-
Remove the shear pin from the stoker drive and fit the crank handle to the squared end on the stoker drive.
Proceed to turn the crank handle until the fire has moved away from the guillotine door.
Every five to ten minutes check that the fire has not burned back under the guillotine door; if the fire has burned back proceed to advance the fire away from the door.
Should the situation require that the stoker is idle for a long period it is advisable to either bank the boiler or to push the fires off the end of the grate/s using a long rake
Remember seven (7 ) complete turns of the crank handle advances the grate by one stoker link.
How to un-bank a Boiler
At the I D damper control, open the damper fully to create a slight draft in the combustion chamber.
Open the guillotine door to the 200mm mark on the indicator plate, rake open the fire and spread fresh coal over the live coals after opening and closing the coal cut off door, dropping fresh coal onto the front of the stoker. Spread the coal evenly over the width of the stoker making sure that the live coal / fire is under the ignition arch and just behind the guillotine door.
Close the guillotine door to 100 to 120mm above the grate and open the coal cut off door.
At the I D fan control close the ID fan damper and make sure that the FD dampers are closed.
At the panel start the ID fan, then the FD fan/s keeping the stokers in the off position.
When you have ignition start the stokers and check that the fire does not move out from under the ignition arch, if necessary stop the stoker until ignition has been regained.
Once you are satisfied that you have ignition, start opening the dampers, starting with the ID damper and then the FD dampers to prevent a pressure build up in the combustion chamber, maintaining a balanced draft of -3pa on the draft gauge.
Remember to check the water level in the boiler and top up with water if necessary.
At the I D damper control, open the damper fully to create a slight draft in the combustion chamber.
Open the guillotine door to the 200mm mark on the indicator plate, rake open the fire and spread fresh coal over the live coals after opening and closing the coal cut off door, dropping fresh coal onto the front of the stoker. Spread the coal evenly over the width of the stoker making sure that the live coal / fire is under the ignition arch and just behind the guillotine door.
Close the guillotine door to 100 to 120mm above the grate and open the coal cut off door.
At the I D fan control close the ID fan damper and make sure that the FD dampers are closed.
At the panel start the ID fan, then the FD fan/s keeping the stokers in the off position.
When you have ignition start the stokers and check that the fire does not move out from under the ignition arch, if necessary stop the stoker until ignition has been regained.
Once you are satisfied that you have ignition, start opening the dampers, starting with the ID damper and then the FD dampers to prevent a pressure build up in the combustion chamber, maintaining a balanced draft of -3pa on the draft gauge.
Remember to check the water level in the boiler and top up with water if necessary.
How to bank a boiler.
At the panel, make sure that the boiler is on panel control.
Close the coal cut off door and open the guillotine door to 200mm.
Rake most of the coal off the front of the stoker with a rake, now push the rest of the coal into and onto the live coals in the combustion chamber,making sure that the live coal and the unburnt coal is well mixed with the live coal on top of the unburnt coal,also making sure that the coal is pushed back from the guillotine door for approximately 450mm.
Now close the guillotine door until the indicator plate reads approximately 20mm, now seal the gap between the guillotine door and the stoker with fresh coal to prevent air getting into the combustion chamber.
At the I D damper control, open the damper until you have a reading of -3pa at the draft gauge/ photohelix making sure that the FD dampers are closed.
Fill the boiler with water to the high water mark, making sure that the mainsteam stop valve is closed.
Make sure that the feed pumps are on Auto and that the feedwater valve is open and that the feed water tank is full, this will prevent the boiler running short of water as the boiler cools down
At the panel, make sure that the boiler is on panel control.
Close the coal cut off door and open the guillotine door to 200mm.
Rake most of the coal off the front of the stoker with a rake, now push the rest of the coal into and onto the live coals in the combustion chamber,making sure that the live coal and the unburnt coal is well mixed with the live coal on top of the unburnt coal,also making sure that the coal is pushed back from the guillotine door for approximately 450mm.
Now close the guillotine door until the indicator plate reads approximately 20mm, now seal the gap between the guillotine door and the stoker with fresh coal to prevent air getting into the combustion chamber.
At the I D damper control, open the damper until you have a reading of -3pa at the draft gauge/ photohelix making sure that the FD dampers are closed.
Fill the boiler with water to the high water mark, making sure that the mainsteam stop valve is closed.
Make sure that the feed pumps are on Auto and that the feedwater valve is open and that the feed water tank is full, this will prevent the boiler running short of water as the boiler cools down
Operating A manually Fired Boiler.
When firing a boiler manually you must bear in mind that you are working the controls, and that a constant watch must be kept on the pressure gauge, to be able to detect any change in the boiler pressure.
It must be borne in mind that for every 100kpa that the boiler pressure drops it takes an hour to recover that pressure. Therefore, with this in mind care must be taken that when the pressure starts to drop adjustments must be made to rectify this drop in pressure and the dampers must be opened accordingly.
When opening the dampers always start with the ID damper followed by the FD dampers. If the pressure continues to drop, the fuel trim must also be adjusted to increase the length of the fire on the grate and the coal bed increased.
When the pressure is high and you want to decrease the pressure in the boiler, the dampers must be closed to decrease the amount of air to the fires. Remember when closing the dampers always begin with the FD dampers followed by the ID damper.If this is not done in this order you will pressurerise the combustion chamber and the boiler will smoke from the front and possibly have flames shooting from the front of the stokers, which could possibly injure somebody. If the boiler needs to be turned gown further, the fuel trim can be adjusted and if need be the coal bed thickness can be decreased,to help reduce the boiler pressure.
When firing a boiler manually you must bear in mind that you are working the controls, and that a constant watch must be kept on the pressure gauge, to be able to detect any change in the boiler pressure.
It must be borne in mind that for every 100kpa that the boiler pressure drops it takes an hour to recover that pressure. Therefore, with this in mind care must be taken that when the pressure starts to drop adjustments must be made to rectify this drop in pressure and the dampers must be opened accordingly.
When opening the dampers always start with the ID damper followed by the FD dampers. If the pressure continues to drop, the fuel trim must also be adjusted to increase the length of the fire on the grate and the coal bed increased.
When the pressure is high and you want to decrease the pressure in the boiler, the dampers must be closed to decrease the amount of air to the fires. Remember when closing the dampers always begin with the FD dampers followed by the ID damper.If this is not done in this order you will pressurerise the combustion chamber and the boiler will smoke from the front and possibly have flames shooting from the front of the stokers, which could possibly injure somebody. If the boiler needs to be turned gown further, the fuel trim can be adjusted and if need be the coal bed thickness can be decreased,to help reduce the boiler pressure.

Testing Mobrey`s
Float operated switches.
Starting with the dual Mobrey turn the sequencing valve handle in a clockwise direction until the halfway mark and pause for the count of Ten, the alarm should sound at this point. Then continue turning the handle until the valve is fully open, again pausing for the count of Ten. The Mobrey should now be completely drained with the alarm sounding continously. Now proceed to turn the handle in an anti-clockwise direction until you reach the halfway mark once more pausing for the count of Ten. Now proceed further until the valve is back at the operating position. The alarm should stop sounding at this point. The Mobrey is now in its operating position.
Should the alarm not sound? Call an Electrician immediately.
Should the alarm continue sounding after testing the Mobrey? Call an Electrician immediately.
Next we proceed to the single Mobrey, turn the sequencing valve handle in a clockwise direction until the halfway mark and pausing for the count of Ten, at this point the I D Fan, F D Fan/s and stokers should trip out. Now continue turning the handle in a clockwise direction until the valve is fully open, again pausing for the count of Ten. Then proceed to turn the sequencing valve handle in an anti-clockwise direction until the halfway mark is reached, pausing again for the count of Ten. Proceed to turn the sequencing valve handle in an anti-clockwise direction until the valve is back at the operating position.
At this point the boiler can be restarted making sure that the dampers are closed before starting the I D Fan.
Should the boiler fail to stop? Call an Electrician immediately.Should the boiler fail to start? Call an Electrician immediately and bank the boiler if necessary. Should the Mobreys fail to work,Stop the boiler immediately and bank the boiler until the problem is rectified
Float operated switches.
Starting with the dual Mobrey turn the sequencing valve handle in a clockwise direction until the halfway mark and pause for the count of Ten, the alarm should sound at this point. Then continue turning the handle until the valve is fully open, again pausing for the count of Ten. The Mobrey should now be completely drained with the alarm sounding continously. Now proceed to turn the handle in an anti-clockwise direction until you reach the halfway mark once more pausing for the count of Ten. Now proceed further until the valve is back at the operating position. The alarm should stop sounding at this point. The Mobrey is now in its operating position.
Should the alarm not sound? Call an Electrician immediately.
Should the alarm continue sounding after testing the Mobrey? Call an Electrician immediately.
Next we proceed to the single Mobrey, turn the sequencing valve handle in a clockwise direction until the halfway mark and pausing for the count of Ten, at this point the I D Fan, F D Fan/s and stokers should trip out. Now continue turning the handle in a clockwise direction until the valve is fully open, again pausing for the count of Ten. Then proceed to turn the sequencing valve handle in an anti-clockwise direction until the halfway mark is reached, pausing again for the count of Ten. Proceed to turn the sequencing valve handle in an anti-clockwise direction until the valve is back at the operating position.
At this point the boiler can be restarted making sure that the dampers are closed before starting the I D Fan.
Should the boiler fail to stop? Call an Electrician immediately.Should the boiler fail to start? Call an Electrician immediately and bank the boiler if necessary. Should the Mobreys fail to work,Stop the boiler immediately and bank the boiler until the problem is rectified
How to Blow down.
To Blow down the boiler insert the blow down key into the cage on the blow down valve, making sure that the protrusion on the blow down key fits into the recess of the cage on the blow down valve. Now turn the blow down key anti-clock wise slowly until the valve is fully open. Hold this position for approximately 6 to 10 seconds and then close the blow down valve by turning the blow down key in an clockwise direction until the key cannot turn any further ( Do not force the blow down key.) Once the blow down valve is closed remove the blow down key from the valve cage and place on the floor by the blow down valve.
Always remove the blow down key from the blow down valve as this will indicate that the valve is closed, as the blow down key can only be removed from the blow down valve when the valve is closed.
To Blow down the boiler insert the blow down key into the cage on the blow down valve, making sure that the protrusion on the blow down key fits into the recess of the cage on the blow down valve. Now turn the blow down key anti-clock wise slowly until the valve is fully open. Hold this position for approximately 6 to 10 seconds and then close the blow down valve by turning the blow down key in an clockwise direction until the key cannot turn any further ( Do not force the blow down key.) Once the blow down valve is closed remove the blow down key from the valve cage and place on the floor by the blow down valve.
Always remove the blow down key from the blow down valve as this will indicate that the valve is closed, as the blow down key can only be removed from the blow down valve when the valve is closed.
Testing Safety Valves.
When testing the safety valves, the test can only be done when the boiler pressure is near or at the maximum working pressure.
Grasp the quick release handle and pull towards yourself ( away from the bonnet of the safety valve ) for approximately 5 seconds and then release the handle.
All the safety valves must be tested in this manner at least once a Shift when steaming.
Before testing the safety valves make sure that the wedges are in place in the collars of the valves.
Caution: Always wear gloves when testing the safety valves.
When testing the safety valves, the test can only be done when the boiler pressure is near or at the maximum working pressure.
Grasp the quick release handle and pull towards yourself ( away from the bonnet of the safety valve ) for approximately 5 seconds and then release the handle.
All the safety valves must be tested in this manner at least once a Shift when steaming.
Before testing the safety valves make sure that the wedges are in place in the collars of the valves.
Caution: Always wear gloves when testing the safety valves.
Using Soot Blowers.
When using soot blowers care must be taken to ensure that the system is properly drained of water.
To start begin by draining the system as follows. Start with the rear Soot blowers. Open the drain cock and crack the Soot blower isolating valve, leave for approximately 20 minutes for the system to drain properly and to heat up, once you are satisfied that the system is properly drained and heated up close the drain cock and open the isolating valve fully.
Each Soot blower should have an isolating valve which must now be opened starting with No 1 valve , next turn the Soot blower handle to the full open position then immediately turn back to the fully closed position. Do this three times taking a total of 45 seconds for the whole process. Now proceed to Soot blower No 2 and repeat the process. Do the same for Soot blower No 3. Make sure the Soot blowers are in the fully closed position when you have finished blowing the tubes .Once finished close the isolating valve and open the drain cock.
Proceed to the front Soot blowers making sure to only do one Soot blower at a time . The front Soot blower drain cock must be opened and the isolating valve must be cracked, when the system is hot and drained close the drain cock and open the isolating valve fully then open and close the quick release valve three times occupying a total of 45 seconds .Close the isolating valve and open the drain cock fully.
If the boiler is not fully automatic the dampers will have to be adjusted accordingly to compensate for the disturbed draft . Close the front dampers slightly to prevent pressurizing the combustion chamber . When you have completed Soot blowing don’t forget to reset the front dampers so that you once more have a balanced draft .
Last check that all the isolating valves are closed and the drain valves are open .
When using soot blowers care must be taken to ensure that the system is properly drained of water.
To start begin by draining the system as follows. Start with the rear Soot blowers. Open the drain cock and crack the Soot blower isolating valve, leave for approximately 20 minutes for the system to drain properly and to heat up, once you are satisfied that the system is properly drained and heated up close the drain cock and open the isolating valve fully.
Each Soot blower should have an isolating valve which must now be opened starting with No 1 valve , next turn the Soot blower handle to the full open position then immediately turn back to the fully closed position. Do this three times taking a total of 45 seconds for the whole process. Now proceed to Soot blower No 2 and repeat the process. Do the same for Soot blower No 3. Make sure the Soot blowers are in the fully closed position when you have finished blowing the tubes .Once finished close the isolating valve and open the drain cock.
Proceed to the front Soot blowers making sure to only do one Soot blower at a time . The front Soot blower drain cock must be opened and the isolating valve must be cracked, when the system is hot and drained close the drain cock and open the isolating valve fully then open and close the quick release valve three times occupying a total of 45 seconds .Close the isolating valve and open the drain cock fully.
If the boiler is not fully automatic the dampers will have to be adjusted accordingly to compensate for the disturbed draft . Close the front dampers slightly to prevent pressurizing the combustion chamber . When you have completed Soot blowing don’t forget to reset the front dampers so that you once more have a balanced draft .
Last check that all the isolating valves are closed and the drain valves are open .
Making a fire. For Hot water.
1 To light a fire, proceed as follows.
2 Open the hot water circulating valves and make sure the boiler is filled with water. Start the hot water circulating pumps and switch to auto control.
3 Ensure all dampers and firing controls are free to move.
4 At the single knob controls and the I D Damper control set the clutch levers to manual operation.
5 Close the Radial door and make sure the coal hopper is full.
6 Set the other valves on the boiler as follows:
(a) Main steam stop valve – closed.
(b) Pressure gauge isolating valve – open.
(c) Air release valve –closed.
(d) Blow-down valve – closed.
(e) Water circulating control valves– open.
The blow-down key must always be removed from the blow down valve to indicate that the blow-down valve is closed.
7 Check that the draught gauge reads zero.
8 Adjust the guillotine door until it is 80mm above the grate. Check that the fuel bed depth indicator reads 80.
9 Set the single knob control lever to zero.
10 At the control panel;
(a) Switch on the main isolator switch.
(b) Check that the mains On indicator lamp illuminates.
(c) Set the manual/auto switches to manual and the control regulators to minimum.
(d) Start the stoker. Check that it operates and that its indicating lamp illuminates.
(e) Check that the grate just moves and that the fuel trim indicator is in the zero position.
(f) Crack open the radial door and allow coal to run in until the length of the fuel bed is about 750mm from the guillotine door. Close the radial door.
(g) At the control panel, stop the stoker.
(h) Open the guillotine door and light a wood fire on top of the coal. Lower the guillotine door to within 80mm of the grate and seal the gap with coal.
(i) Open the radial door.
(j) Close all the dampers.
11 At the control panel.
(a) Start the I D fan. Check that its indicating lamp illuminates.
(b) Start the FD fan. Check that its indicating lamp illuminates.
(c) Set the ID damper control lever to position 2 on the indicator scale.
(d) Open the FD damper with the single knob control lever until a slight draught is evident above the fuel bed (this can be seen through the spy hole in the ignition arch). The draught gauge should read approximately minus 3pa.
(e) When the coal has ignited and the fire has burned back to the guillotine door, start the stoker and run in 75mm of coal.
(f) Stop the stoker.
(g) Repeat steps e and f until there is a good fire over at least half the length of the grate, and ignition occurs continuously.
(h) Re-adjust the guillotine door to about 120mm above the grate.
(i) Check regularly that ignition is taking place not more than 50mm from the guillotine door .If the ignition line tends to move away from the door stop the stoker. Re-start the stoker when ignition has been re- established.
Note:- Do not provide too much draught at this stage, as it will retard burning.
12 As the boiler warms up the hot water circulating pumps can be started, and
the system can be checked for air and bled if necessary.
13 Should a higher water temperature be required the coal bed thickness should
be increased and the I D as well as the F D dampers should be adjusted
accordingly, care should be taken to always maintain a balanced draught.
1 To light a fire, proceed as follows.
2 Open the hot water circulating valves and make sure the boiler is filled with water. Start the hot water circulating pumps and switch to auto control.
3 Ensure all dampers and firing controls are free to move.
4 At the single knob controls and the I D Damper control set the clutch levers to manual operation.
5 Close the Radial door and make sure the coal hopper is full.
6 Set the other valves on the boiler as follows:
(a) Main steam stop valve – closed.
(b) Pressure gauge isolating valve – open.
(c) Air release valve –closed.
(d) Blow-down valve – closed.
(e) Water circulating control valves– open.
The blow-down key must always be removed from the blow down valve to indicate that the blow-down valve is closed.
7 Check that the draught gauge reads zero.
8 Adjust the guillotine door until it is 80mm above the grate. Check that the fuel bed depth indicator reads 80.
9 Set the single knob control lever to zero.
10 At the control panel;
(a) Switch on the main isolator switch.
(b) Check that the mains On indicator lamp illuminates.
(c) Set the manual/auto switches to manual and the control regulators to minimum.
(d) Start the stoker. Check that it operates and that its indicating lamp illuminates.
(e) Check that the grate just moves and that the fuel trim indicator is in the zero position.
(f) Crack open the radial door and allow coal to run in until the length of the fuel bed is about 750mm from the guillotine door. Close the radial door.
(g) At the control panel, stop the stoker.
(h) Open the guillotine door and light a wood fire on top of the coal. Lower the guillotine door to within 80mm of the grate and seal the gap with coal.
(i) Open the radial door.
(j) Close all the dampers.
11 At the control panel.
(a) Start the I D fan. Check that its indicating lamp illuminates.
(b) Start the FD fan. Check that its indicating lamp illuminates.
(c) Set the ID damper control lever to position 2 on the indicator scale.
(d) Open the FD damper with the single knob control lever until a slight draught is evident above the fuel bed (this can be seen through the spy hole in the ignition arch). The draught gauge should read approximately minus 3pa.
(e) When the coal has ignited and the fire has burned back to the guillotine door, start the stoker and run in 75mm of coal.
(f) Stop the stoker.
(g) Repeat steps e and f until there is a good fire over at least half the length of the grate, and ignition occurs continuously.
(h) Re-adjust the guillotine door to about 120mm above the grate.
(i) Check regularly that ignition is taking place not more than 50mm from the guillotine door .If the ignition line tends to move away from the door stop the stoker. Re-start the stoker when ignition has been re- established.
Note:- Do not provide too much draught at this stage, as it will retard burning.
12 As the boiler warms up the hot water circulating pumps can be started, and
the system can be checked for air and bled if necessary.
13 Should a higher water temperature be required the coal bed thickness should
be increased and the I D as well as the F D dampers should be adjusted
accordingly, care should be taken to always maintain a balanced draught.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Making a fire for steam
Making a fire. For Steaming.
1 To light a fire, proceed as follows.
2 Open the feed pump valves and make sure the boiler is filled with water. Start one of the boiler feed pumps and switch to auto control.
3 Ensure all dampers and firing controls are free to move.
4 At the single knob controls and the I D Damper control set the clutch levers to manual operation.
5 Close the Radial door and make sure the coal hopper is full.
6 Set the other valves on the boiler as follows:
(a) Main steam stop valve – closed.
(b) Pressure gauge isolating valve – open.
(c) Air release valve – open.
(d) Blow-down valve – closed.
(e) Water level controls isolating valves – open.
The blow-down key must always be removed from the blow down valve to indicate that the blow-down valve is closed.
7 Check that the draught gauge reads zero.
8 Adjust the guillotine door until it is 80mm above the grate. Check that the fuel bed depth indicator reads 80.
9 Set the single knob control lever to zero.
10 At the control panel;
(a) Switch on the main isolator switch.
(b) Check that the mains On indicator lamp illuminates.
(c) Set the manual/auto switches to manual and the control regulators to minimum.
(d) Start the stoker. Check that it operates and that its indicating lamp illuminates.
(e) Check that the grate just moves and that the fuel trim indicator is in the zero position.
(f) Crack open the radial door and allow coal to run in until the length of the fuel bed is about 750mm from the guillotine door. Close the radial door.
(g) At the control panel, stop the stoker.
(h) Open the guillotine door and light a wood fire on top of the coal. Lower the guillotine door to within 80mm of the grate and seal the gap with coal.
(i) Open the radial door.
(j) Close all the dampers.
11 At the control panel.
(a) Start the I D fan. Check that its indicating lamp illuminates.
(b) Start the FD fan. Check that its indicating lamp illuminates.
(c) Set the ID damper control lever to position 2 on the indicator scale.
(d) Open the FD damper with the single knob control lever until a slight draught is evident above the fuel bed (this can be seen through the spy hole in the ignition arch). The draught gauge should read approximately minus 3pa.
(e) When the coal has ignited and the fire has burned back to the guillotine door, start the stoker and run in 75mm of coal.
(f) Stop the stoker.
(g) Repeat steps e and f until there is a good fire over at least half the length of the grate, and ignition occurs continuously.
(h) Re-adjust the guillotine door to about 120mm above the grate.
(i) Check regularly that ignition is taking place not more than 50mm from the guillotine door .If the ignition line tends to move away from the door stop the stoker. Re-start the stoker when ignition has been re- established.
Note Do not provide too much draught at this stage, as it will retard burning.
12 As the boiler warms up, the water will expand, therefore it will be necessary to keep a continuous watch on the water level as indicated by the gauge glasses.
13 If the water level is above normal working level, blow-down until the correct level is reached. During start-up it will be necessary to blow-down the boiler to assist circulation. This should be started when steam is seen escaping from the air release valve.
14 Blow-down at regular intervals and check that the bottom of the boiler shell is hot before the steam pressure reaches approximately 150kpa.
15 Close the air release valve when the boiler pressure is approximately 150kpa.
16 Allow the steam pressure to build up to normal working pressure. If necessary, increase or decrease the firing rate as required.
Note Steam raising from cold should take at least six (6) hours and should not exceed a rate of 250kpa per hour.
17 At this stage the float-operated switches should be tested to check that the alarm and boiler cutout is working.
18 When the boiler is at operating pressure, crack open the main steam valve in order to warm up the steam range. Make sure that the steam traps are working and clean if necessary.
19 When the steam range is sufficiently warmed-up, open the main steam stop valve very slowly .The steam can be heard passing through the valve at this stage. Only when the steam cannot be heard passing through the main steam stop valve should the valve be opened further. Extreme Caution must be used when opening the Main Steam stop valve.
1 To light a fire, proceed as follows.
2 Open the feed pump valves and make sure the boiler is filled with water. Start one of the boiler feed pumps and switch to auto control.
3 Ensure all dampers and firing controls are free to move.
4 At the single knob controls and the I D Damper control set the clutch levers to manual operation.
5 Close the Radial door and make sure the coal hopper is full.
6 Set the other valves on the boiler as follows:
(a) Main steam stop valve – closed.
(b) Pressure gauge isolating valve – open.
(c) Air release valve – open.
(d) Blow-down valve – closed.
(e) Water level controls isolating valves – open.
The blow-down key must always be removed from the blow down valve to indicate that the blow-down valve is closed.
7 Check that the draught gauge reads zero.
8 Adjust the guillotine door until it is 80mm above the grate. Check that the fuel bed depth indicator reads 80.
9 Set the single knob control lever to zero.
10 At the control panel;
(a) Switch on the main isolator switch.
(b) Check that the mains On indicator lamp illuminates.
(c) Set the manual/auto switches to manual and the control regulators to minimum.
(d) Start the stoker. Check that it operates and that its indicating lamp illuminates.
(e) Check that the grate just moves and that the fuel trim indicator is in the zero position.
(f) Crack open the radial door and allow coal to run in until the length of the fuel bed is about 750mm from the guillotine door. Close the radial door.
(g) At the control panel, stop the stoker.
(h) Open the guillotine door and light a wood fire on top of the coal. Lower the guillotine door to within 80mm of the grate and seal the gap with coal.
(i) Open the radial door.
(j) Close all the dampers.
11 At the control panel.
(a) Start the I D fan. Check that its indicating lamp illuminates.
(b) Start the FD fan. Check that its indicating lamp illuminates.
(c) Set the ID damper control lever to position 2 on the indicator scale.
(d) Open the FD damper with the single knob control lever until a slight draught is evident above the fuel bed (this can be seen through the spy hole in the ignition arch). The draught gauge should read approximately minus 3pa.
(e) When the coal has ignited and the fire has burned back to the guillotine door, start the stoker and run in 75mm of coal.
(f) Stop the stoker.
(g) Repeat steps e and f until there is a good fire over at least half the length of the grate, and ignition occurs continuously.
(h) Re-adjust the guillotine door to about 120mm above the grate.
(i) Check regularly that ignition is taking place not more than 50mm from the guillotine door .If the ignition line tends to move away from the door stop the stoker. Re-start the stoker when ignition has been re- established.
Note Do not provide too much draught at this stage, as it will retard burning.
12 As the boiler warms up, the water will expand, therefore it will be necessary to keep a continuous watch on the water level as indicated by the gauge glasses.
13 If the water level is above normal working level, blow-down until the correct level is reached. During start-up it will be necessary to blow-down the boiler to assist circulation. This should be started when steam is seen escaping from the air release valve.
14 Blow-down at regular intervals and check that the bottom of the boiler shell is hot before the steam pressure reaches approximately 150kpa.
15 Close the air release valve when the boiler pressure is approximately 150kpa.
16 Allow the steam pressure to build up to normal working pressure. If necessary, increase or decrease the firing rate as required.
Note Steam raising from cold should take at least six (6) hours and should not exceed a rate of 250kpa per hour.
17 At this stage the float-operated switches should be tested to check that the alarm and boiler cutout is working.
18 When the boiler is at operating pressure, crack open the main steam valve in order to warm up the steam range. Make sure that the steam traps are working and clean if necessary.
19 When the steam range is sufficiently warmed-up, open the main steam stop valve very slowly .The steam can be heard passing through the valve at this stage. Only when the steam cannot be heard passing through the main steam stop valve should the valve be opened further. Extreme Caution must be used when opening the Main Steam stop valve.
Emergency Shutdown, Power Failure
Emergency Shut Down.
Power failure – I D fan , F D fan/s, Stoker/s and Feed-pumps motors stopped.
If this occurs shut-down the boiler as follows:
Note If the steam demand is high the water level in the boiler will fall quickly.
While water is visible in the gauge glass there is no danger of damage to the boiler.
1 Close the main steam stop valve.
Note : Because the ignition arch and guillotine door refractory are red hot when
power failure occurs, the coal will continue to ignite and then burn back
into the stoker hopper. To prevent this proceed as follows.
2 Rotate the grate by hand as follows,
Remove the grate indicator disc and cover.
Remove the shear pin.
Connect the crank handle to the squared end of the worm shaft and rotate
the grate by hand until the ignition line is visible under the ignition arch
( this can be seen through the spy hole in the ignition arch ).
Although the fire on the grate will loose most of its heat when power
failure occurred and the fans stopped it will be kept alive by natural
draught if the I D damper is open.
Set the F D single knob control unit to manual and its lever to the fully
closed position.
Set the I D damper control unit to manual and its control lever to 2 or 3 to
Maintain a slight draught above the fuel bed. The draught gauge should
read approximately minus 3 pa.
If the power is restored within 30 minutes , reset the boiler controls and
restart the boiler.
If the power is not restored within 30 minutes, bank the fires.
Do not forget to remove the ash from the boiler furnace.
Power failure – I D fan , F D fan/s, Stoker/s and Feed-pumps motors stopped.
If this occurs shut-down the boiler as follows:
Note If the steam demand is high the water level in the boiler will fall quickly.
While water is visible in the gauge glass there is no danger of damage to the boiler.
1 Close the main steam stop valve.
Note : Because the ignition arch and guillotine door refractory are red hot when
power failure occurs, the coal will continue to ignite and then burn back
into the stoker hopper. To prevent this proceed as follows.
2 Rotate the grate by hand as follows,
Remove the grate indicator disc and cover.
Remove the shear pin.
Connect the crank handle to the squared end of the worm shaft and rotate
the grate by hand until the ignition line is visible under the ignition arch
( this can be seen through the spy hole in the ignition arch ).
Although the fire on the grate will loose most of its heat when power
failure occurred and the fans stopped it will be kept alive by natural
draught if the I D damper is open.
Set the F D single knob control unit to manual and its lever to the fully
closed position.
Set the I D damper control unit to manual and its control lever to 2 or 3 to
Maintain a slight draught above the fuel bed. The draught gauge should
read approximately minus 3 pa.
If the power is restored within 30 minutes , reset the boiler controls and
restart the boiler.
If the power is not restored within 30 minutes, bank the fires.
Do not forget to remove the ash from the boiler furnace.
Emergency Shutdown
Emergency Shut Down.
Extra Low Water Level-I D fan, F D fan/s and Stoker/s Motors Stopped.
If this occurs, the selected feed pump should be in operation because the water level is below normal. The fire will be dying because the fans and stoker motors have stopped .To shut down the boiler, proceed as follows.
1 Close the main steam stop valve.
2 Set the pump selection switch to the stand-by pump. Check the feed pump on lamp ( green ) illuminates and that the pump is operating.
3 Remove the grate indicator disc and cover.
4 Remove the shear pin.
5 Connect the crank handle to the squared end of the worm shaft and rotate the grate until the ignition line is visible under the ignition arch ( this can be seen through the spy hole in the ignition arch ).
6 Set the I D fan and F D fan manual / Auto switches to panel control.
7 Set the single-knob combustion control unit control regulator to minimum.
8 Set the I D damper control regulator to maintain a slight draught above the fuel bed. The draught gauge should read approximately minus 3 pa.
9 Inform the person responsible for the boiler about the emergency shut down condition.
10 Check the feed water system. If the water level cannot be restored to normal within 15 minutes, remove the fire from the grate as follows;
a Close the coal cut-off gate.
b Open the guillotine door fully.
c Use a rake to pull the un-burnt coal off the front of the grate and to push the
live coal off the rear of the grate into the de-ashing system.
d Remove all coal and ash from the boiler.
e At the control panel turn the main isolator switch to the off position.
f Close the feed water check valve on the boiler.
Extra Low Water Level-I D fan, F D fan/s and Stoker/s Motors Stopped.
If this occurs, the selected feed pump should be in operation because the water level is below normal. The fire will be dying because the fans and stoker motors have stopped .To shut down the boiler, proceed as follows.
1 Close the main steam stop valve.
2 Set the pump selection switch to the stand-by pump. Check the feed pump on lamp ( green ) illuminates and that the pump is operating.
3 Remove the grate indicator disc and cover.
4 Remove the shear pin.
5 Connect the crank handle to the squared end of the worm shaft and rotate the grate until the ignition line is visible under the ignition arch ( this can be seen through the spy hole in the ignition arch ).
6 Set the I D fan and F D fan manual / Auto switches to panel control.
7 Set the single-knob combustion control unit control regulator to minimum.
8 Set the I D damper control regulator to maintain a slight draught above the fuel bed. The draught gauge should read approximately minus 3 pa.
9 Inform the person responsible for the boiler about the emergency shut down condition.
10 Check the feed water system. If the water level cannot be restored to normal within 15 minutes, remove the fire from the grate as follows;
a Close the coal cut-off gate.
b Open the guillotine door fully.
c Use a rake to pull the un-burnt coal off the front of the grate and to push the
live coal off the rear of the grate into the de-ashing system.
d Remove all coal and ash from the boiler.
e At the control panel turn the main isolator switch to the off position.
f Close the feed water check valve on the boiler.
Blow Down of Gauge Glasses.
To blow down the gauge glasses proceed as follows:
1. Close the isolating valve on the water leg.
2. Open the drain cock and allow steam to blow through the gauge glass.
3. Open the isolating valve on the water leg.
4. Close the isolating valve on the steam leg and allow water to blow through..
5. Open the isolating valve on the steam leg.
6. Close the drain cock.
7. The gauge glasses should be blown long enough to ensure that the water returns to a clear colour once the process is complete, this will take approximately 10 seconds for each operation.
8. Once the process is complete, check that all the valves are in their correct position.
9. Please note the gauge glasses should be blown through every shift.
1. Close the isolating valve on the water leg.
2. Open the drain cock and allow steam to blow through the gauge glass.
3. Open the isolating valve on the water leg.
4. Close the isolating valve on the steam leg and allow water to blow through..
5. Open the isolating valve on the steam leg.
6. Close the drain cock.
7. The gauge glasses should be blown long enough to ensure that the water returns to a clear colour once the process is complete, this will take approximately 10 seconds for each operation.
8. Once the process is complete, check that all the valves are in their correct position.
9. Please note the gauge glasses should be blown through every shift.
Emergency Procedures.
Emergency Procedures.
*Low Water:- Make sure pumps are running and valves are open
Start pumps and open valves if necessary.
*High Water:- Blow down Boiler to correct level.
*Live coals falling off rear of stoker;- Adjust stoker speed with fuel trim knob.
*Safety valves lifting:- Stop Fans, check blow down valve is closed and make
sure pumps are running.
*Pump tripping out:- Change over to second pump and call electrician.
*Stoker Jamming,Shear pin breaking:- Replace shear pin - Call out fitter - if necessary push fire off grate.
*I D Fan Tripping:- Stop F D fans, Close dampers and call electrician, close
crown valve and bank or remove fires from boiler if necessary.
*Alarm Sounding , Extra Low Water:- Close crown valve,check that feed pump is running, if necessary change over to stand-by pump. Remove fires from boiler if water does not fill boiler. *Power Failure:- Close crown valve, remove shear pin from stoker drive fit crank handle and remove fires from stoker, de-ash boiler.
*Low Water:- Make sure pumps are running and valves are open
Start pumps and open valves if necessary.
*High Water:- Blow down Boiler to correct level.
*Live coals falling off rear of stoker;- Adjust stoker speed with fuel trim knob.
*Safety valves lifting:- Stop Fans, check blow down valve is closed and make
sure pumps are running.
*Pump tripping out:- Change over to second pump and call electrician.
*Stoker Jamming,Shear pin breaking:- Replace shear pin - Call out fitter - if necessary push fire off grate.
*I D Fan Tripping:- Stop F D fans, Close dampers and call electrician, close
crown valve and bank or remove fires from boiler if necessary.
*Alarm Sounding , Extra Low Water:- Close crown valve,check that feed pump is running, if necessary change over to stand-by pump. Remove fires from boiler if water does not fill boiler. *Power Failure:- Close crown valve, remove shear pin from stoker drive fit crank handle and remove fires from stoker, de-ash boiler.
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